Saturday, July 11, 2009


We're still in Crested Butte for one more day, it's been a great week of full workshops and enthusiastic participants. Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous scenery. A full report comes later, but I wanted to take a minute to share David's first YouTube video from the new CD. Good thing he knows the photographer, since he posted the video and THEN told her about it.


  1. Nooooooo ... I can't see it. I'm still on dial up.

    *goes off to find an internet cafe in rural Australia*

    Sounds you're having an excellent time!

  2. Dial.

    Alleged WIFI at lodgings last week would have been laughably entertaining if it weren't infuriatingly frustrating. I feel your pain. Or is it just a slow burn?


Linocut in Progress: (Lucky 13th) Final Step

 I am off next week to head up the Arts & Birding session at Hog Island Audubon Camp in Maine , so I have been feeling the pressure to w...