Monday, September 14, 2009

On the road.... again...

Along the Arkansas River

We're off to the big city again tomorrow. David has a gig at the D Note in Olde Town Arvada Tuesday night, we've some errands to run Wednesday, and then we're coming home the long way, retrieving a precious flat file from my brother's garage on Thursday. Friday it's another day of "stuff in to the car, stuff out of the car," as I get ready to have a booth at the Salida Farmers Market on Saturday morning. (8:00am-12:30pm).

Scads of tasks to accomplish before all this travel, so of course I blew it all off and went out to make a few little sketches this morning. (Trying to get good habits in place before the winter chill arrives and lethargy takes over.)

Sunday one more DM gig, this time at Sugah's in Gunnison. We'll be home a few days and then... it's Colorado Art Ranch Artposium time! The art and science of FOOD! You can bet we won't be missing THAT.

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