Sunday, July 12, 2009

Taking the super-long way home

Sunflowers on the Gothic Road

We've had the most ridiculous day... "stuff into the car, stuff out of the car" to the nth degree. We awoke in Crested Butte, loaded up the cars and made a quick trip up the road to the hamlet of Gothic, home of the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab. From there back down to CB and then the 100 miles to Salida.

Unload the cars (we had two, because I'd been in CB since last Monday and the DM arrived on Friday). Get into the DM's car and drive 60 miles to CaƱon City to take down a show there, then turn around and drive back to Salida.

Unload the car again.

Get back in to MY car and drive 25 miles to Buena Vista to collect our farm share (we missed the market yesterday), have some supper, and then drive back to Salida and unload the car AGAIN.

Had there been a reasonable route for managing all this, we would have taken it, but instead we had the surreal experience of coming home three times before finally arriving. We've now got multiple piles all over the house, but at least they're in one geographic location.

But hey... I told you Crested Butte was a fine place to teach classes. See?......

Workshop participant Carey, drawing in the lupine!

In the Gunnison National Forest, en route to Gothic.


  1. Wow! Crazy the route may have been, but gorgeous scenery. The wildflowers are incredible. Welcome home (for real this time) at last!

  2. Lovely scenery AND a town called Gothic AND a biol lab. I'm there!

  3. The wildflowers and meandering river are so beautiful - wish I could drop by...


  4. gorgeous photos :D love seeing the winding river

  5. Welcome home! And happy sorting piles.... It's not so green here, but there is something good about being in one's own space after being on the road.

  6. It WAS pretty fabulous this year. Not the profusion of lupine that we had last year, but everything else was happy, happy, happy and green, green, green. The only problem with teaching sketching here is serious visual overload.

  7. Lupins! A bit circuitous, maybe, but beautiful.

  8. Hi, Sherrie. I'm finally catching up a bit on my blog reading having been gone for 10 days w/no computer.

    What beautiful pics. You needed this beauty to help make up for the crazy but necessary organization of that day. :-D

    There are no flowers in the Sonoran Desert right now. With temps averaging around 113 degrees for well over a week everything has been burned to a crisp including most of my herbs :(

    I am counting the days (still working at making the most of each and every day while here) until we can leave for a place more conducive to my soul.



Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...