Monday, December 8, 2008

Bring it on! Or - how to turn online slacking into a productive evening

It's after 8:00pm on a December night and I have just come in from standing on the front porch trying to take photos in the dark. We're getting our first actual, countable snowstorm of the year, and I couldn't wait until morning.

Must be the streetlights that make everything look so strangely orange.

(And then I walked across the street to take this picture of our house in the snow and dark. Those are my footprints. My feet are wet now.)

I am SO relieved to have this snow, since we are at less than 50% of our usual precip for the year and it makes me a little crazy to have to think about watering the trees in December.

The funny thing about this is that I decided this afternoon to do a little linocut experimentation. What am I carving? Tiny 2.5-inch snowflakes, of course. A coincidence?

This is the first pass... I carved a little more on the plate tonight and we'll see what happens next. As usual, no real plan here... but also no real goal. I spent a fair amount of time dinking around with ink additives today, so there aren't many matching prints.

But here's where the online slacking part comes in: Last year I stumbled across this "Make-a-Flake" site, which lets you use virtual scissors to cut virtual paper snowflakes. AND you can save the files. Which I did. Several times. Guess where this design came from?

So go make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and play with virtual paper snowflakes. (You can drink chocolate and cut flakes at the same time this way, because it only takes one hand to work the scissors AND hold the paper.)


  1. The pictures of snow are absolutely beautiful.

  2. Nooooooo!!! Not another way to waste time at the computer ...

    Of course, I could just not click on the link. Oh, too late.

  3. Like Snail said oh oh now I have to check out making a snow flake.

    Love the snow pictures. Our snow is going to melt today. rain.

  4. Mwah ha ha ha! (Maniacal laughter ensues.) Join me in the ranks of the compulsive... oh, wait. You're already there!

  5. I saw that last year and wasted more time than was healthy, deleted it, couldn't remember what it was called and have been free-handing(and cussing!)this year.

  6. Yes, Jennifer, it was a delightful amount of snow (unless, I suppose, one had to GO somewhere)... and today we had crystal clear blue skies and dazzling white. NOW we're talking winter.

    Perhaps you guys should email me your flakes. :-) We could have a gallery.

  7. We have only rain - no snow, so I'm frolicking in yours, vicariously. Lovely photos, gorgeous prints and I am now writing one hundred times, I will not click on that Make-a-flake link. Too many wonderful distractions already!

  8. what fun! thanks for that I enjoyed playing :>)

  9. Your powers are beyond our understanding. Keep cutting snowflakes!! If the snowflakes are distracting enough, this link will lead you to make-your-own Jackson Pollock and Picasso toys:


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...