Monday, August 31, 2009

How to celebrate finishing a project, redux

Yippee! By this time tomorrow two long, drawn-out, angst-inducing projects will be delivered to their respective clients and breathing room will miraculously materialize. Duration of said breathing time is undetermined, but I can guarantee I will revel in it.

To celebrate, a quickie sketch of carrots from our farm share. This week's bunch was quite quirky... full of two- and three-legged beasties which became salad with raisins in short order. After weeks and weeks of fussy, tight, particularity-driven work it felt grand to scribble and splash a bit. Whew.


  1. Ooh! Two goodies - completion and fresh carrots!Yay! (And carrots with raisins is grand.Ever try adding a little orange peel?)

  2. I've said it before but it's always a treat to see your sketches. Enjoy your freedom!

    Belated thanks, Sherrie for the Gustave Baumann and Crawhall links on my blog. Crawhall I've long been a fan of, but have found a lot of beautiful Baumann prints for the first time. Fantastic.

  3. Oh, I love this wonderful sketch of the carrots. They are so full of life!

  4. Beautiful! I love how the carrot leaves flow into the other page and how you've lightly framed the carrots and added your journal writing below. A really lovely, eye-pleasing entry.

    Congrats on finishing the projects!

  5. Wow! That looks like a great sketch for something like, say, a cookbook done in an informal style that alludes to a field journal....

    Congrats on being so close to having both projects-from-heck off your desk. May the breathing room be particularly spacious and inspiring!

  6. :-D Can you see my grin from where you are? Thanks, everyone...

    Idle.. I've done pineapple in carrot/raisin salad, but I don't think orange... shall have to try it.

    Susan... hmmm... yes... funny how that seems like just the thing! ;-)

    I'm still reveling in time today to carve, carve, carve. Which is good, because this new print is kind of crazy. Go figure.


Opening this weekend! SAGA 89th Annual Members Exhibition

In the Shallows reduction linocut © Sherrie York 12" x 12" - Edition of 20 If you are in New York City this weekend, why not head ...