Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ritual insanity

My kitchen table is strewn with papers covered in these odd ritualistic markings: a circle, some numbers, some wavy lines, some colored blotches. What can it all mean?

It means that at oh-dark-hundred tomorrow morning, when the forecast calls for a balmy -1 F, bundled and binoculared crazies will gather to crawl over stream and under shrub in search of feathered wonders.

Yup. Salida Christmas (Solstice) Bird Count is tomorrow. Get out your woolies and your insulated hot beverage container.


  1. I just did our CBC (in Fort Worth, TX) - quite fun, a balmy 60 degrees most of the day. just in time to miss tomorrow's cold front! have fun with your temperatures :)

  2. Well, you lucked out today, Sherrie. It was minus 4 in Kremmling this morning, but you're probably sunbathing right now, missing birds while dozing in the sun.

  3. You're right, we didn't get Marissa's 60 F, but a short period of 44 F was WAAAAYYYYY better than a predicted high of 14.


Linocut in Progress: Finishing the goldeneye

Okay, then... let's try to find some sort of resolution for this piece, shall we?  Of course there must be more chaos first.  The male g...