This morning.... oooh, whee! The listserv sent us something fun to look at. John Hitchcock at Hybrid Press attached this lovely photo of the Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp, Belgium to his post, so of course I had to find out more. John's got more pictures on his blog, and I'm definitely going to spend a little more time at the museum website.

But that's not all! Who'dathunk printmakers would have their own social network? Who needs Facebook? Printmakers have Inkteraction! Blogs, personal pages, artwork galleries, video galleries, exhibition notices... it's going to take a while to sort through this one!
Closer to home... I think I'm narrowing down the idea stream for the next lino. Just in time for the client projects to get fired back up and start demanding my attention, of course. But I did order more ink and paper yesterday- first step towards actual accomplishment.
wow, I will be teaching the subject of printmaking to elementary students this week in Virgina. I love this information. It is just wonderful. Thank you
ReplyDeleteRebecca Snow
Hi, Rebecca!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you could find something useful here. Elementary kids are great to get started in printmaking, good luck to you. I'd love to hear how it goes.