Monday, March 23, 2009

A new record

Four colors, 20 prints, 2 days. :-) But now I really MUST get back to client projects. (sigh)


  1. Frantic myself, I haven't read your blog for a few days. Wow! I come back and look what you've done!
    All lovely, of course, but that pine cone plate knocks my socks off.
    Congrats on the book. And the prints.Of course!

  2. Looks really good :)

    could start up a new sport :p speed trials, timed lino cut printing. hmmm maybe not though, lots of chance for people to gouge themselves with the tools....

  3. Oh yeah! That's what we need... relief print time trials! I can just see a row of tables, artists with their carving tools poised for the starting gun.... And a phalanx of medics standing by with bandages and sutures! ;-)

  4. Fast and beautiful, Sherrie. A whole series of these little flowers would be gorgeous.

    Glad to see there is life after Pinecones - one could be forgiven for thinking that effort would be hard to top. ;)


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