Saturday, March 7, 2009

Now we're getting somewhere!

It was another morning for printing linocuts in pajamas, and it was a good one! Finally we can start to see that I am not completely off base here.

It's difficult to see in this image that this was actually color #8 for this print so far: light blue, 2 grays, yellow, 2 oranges, and pale green came before this brownish bit. At this point I'm after 3 more colors in 2 passes. Keep your fingers crossed, eh?

I'm hoping to get the whole thing finished during the week ahead. Hard to predict, since I'm quite busy with eleven (!) interp panels (an assortment of writing, illustration, and design), a poster illustration, several spot illustration jobs, and a workshop to teach next Saturday. Yikes. Best I don't think about it too much.

As for the workshop... it's a quick little half day adventure in beginning book making. We'll make a stab-bound book (like this except with blank pages) and I'll provide all the materials, 1:00-4:00pm, March 14, here in Salida at the library. Such a deal for only $32. More information and registration available through GARNA, the Greater Arkansas River Nature Association.

Off to clean up the table to make room for the next task.


  1. 8 colours! o.0 and more to come
    looking good :D

  2. Thanks for the cheering section, ladies! I'm getting quite impatient to have this thing finished! I SWEAR the next few things I do will be simple, simple, simple.

    uh huh. ;-)

  3. Maybe...if I get some jammies, would that help?
    It's coming along nicely, Sherrie.

  4. It's fascinating watching - I'm still trying to get my head around making art in reverse!

  5. I don't actually think of it as being in reverse. (Which means sometimes I'm surprised when I pull prints because I've gotten so used to looking at the plate the other way around.)While I'm carving I'm looking at a "backwards" copy of the design (image scanned and reversed in the computer), so it all seems right way around as I'm working.

    Does that make sense?

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Opening this weekend! SAGA 89th Annual Members Exhibition

In the Shallows reduction linocut © Sherrie York 12" x 12" - Edition of 20 If you are in New York City this weekend, why not head ...