Sunday, November 9, 2008

The morning after

We're a little bleary here in the Center of the Universe this morning. The show reception went well, good attendance and a few sales (always good). The DM played for the admiring crowd, and much socializing ensued.

I rarely remember to take even one photo during show openings... the fact that I actually took TWO is some sort of record, I think.

Happy show visitors trying to learn the secret of linocuts.

After we closed up shop at the café, we wandered next door to the Paquette Gallery at the Steamplant for another reception (I had a piece in that show, too). Sadly, we missed the poetry reading and circus school performance, but we did get there in time for a little wine and some more munchies. Probably I would have been best served by going home to bed after that, but the DM was hungry (his fingers had been busy playing music, NOT consuming hors d'ouevres), so we went out to the local pub for something that qualified as a real meal.

Linocuts, snacks, and live music. What more could you ask for?

Ooph. This morning we're both feeling the effects of heavy food at a late hour. We're also both feeling that we might be fighting "a little something sinus-y," and hoping desperately that we're wrong. It's a grayish day here so far this morning, so maybe it's a good day to just lay low and drink lots of tea. I'm not usually very good at taking days off... but maybe if I just start with a morning off....


  1. Hi Sherrie! It's been a while since I visited your blog. I wanted to see what you are up to. Congrats on the show! Wish I could visit it in person. It was fun to see a little glimpse of the "cafe" and Salida. Love, karine

  2. Hi Karine! I've been checking out life in the desert... I'm so delighted you're making friends with a roadrunner. Did I ever tell you I saw one HERE, in SALIDA, the day I moved to town? A few others have popped up since then, but not very often. Next time you see "yours," tell it the distant cousins say hello.

  3. Yeah...congrats on your successful show! It looks like great fun was had by all...

    One day I'll get to see one in person, I'm sure.

  4. Thanks, Bev... how are things in your crazy world? Didja find the leaky pipe? I've been thinking about you...

  5. Hi Sherri, Susan over at
    sent a bunch of her blog readers your way. I've enjoyed seeing your art. I went to your site and saw the watercolors which were my favorites. Good Luck on the Sleepy Hollow Project.

  6. Hi Anna, thanks for stopping by (and for letting me know you did!). Susan's amazing, isn't she? How does she do everything she does?


Opening this weekend! SAGA 89th Annual Members Exhibition

In the Shallows reduction linocut © Sherrie York 12" x 12" - Edition of 20 If you are in New York City this weekend, why not head ...